domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

A friend inside me

Título: “A Friend Inside Me”

Autor: Pooja Barman.

Oh my friend, you are so great.
Oh my friend, I need your help.
Oh my friend, give me some advise.
Oh my friend, I want to talk to you.
I know you can´t speak,
 but you are still with me and I can feel your words. 
Oh my friend, you are so honest.
I can trust in you.
Oh my friend, you are so gorgeous.
My dear friend, you promise me that you will  never leave me,
whenever I need you I come to you.
Standing in front of a mirror,
I can see you,
we are equal, we are One.
Oh, my friend, together we are One.

Copyright 2020.

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